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TravRez.com General Terms & Conditions

1- Hotel Booking (Terms & Conditions)

1.1 Rooms Booking:

Bookings are restricted to a maximum of 4 rooms per hotel. Any additional bookings required need to be processed offline through our group department by email to offline@travrez.com

1.2 Rates Validity:

The published rates in TravRez.com are valid for the period indicated by each hotel or service.

1.3 Booking Sales:

Exclusively through Travel Agencies only.

1.4 Prices on TravRez:

Prices always include VAT and sales taxes. In some destinations there may be additional fees that must be paid directly by the end customer in the property.

Hotel rates are converted into USD, based on the current exchange rate.

In case of any price change of our services affected by Hotel or Supplier after confirmation. These changes will be notified by email to the Agency. If the change has caused an increase of more than 10% of the price, the agent will be entitled to cancel the trip without any penalties or accept the changes to the prices.

In case there is a price error in the confirmed booking and this error is obvious and recognizable, for example difference between the correct price and the confirmed price is not logical, TravRez reserves the rights to cancel the booking and notify the Agency.

TravRez.com is not responsible for any possible typographical errors that may occur in its system or in the confirmation vouchers.

1.5 No Show Policy:

Any no show will require full cost (100% charges) and Agency will not be refunded any costs for ‘no shows’. Except if the show is due to force majeure, for example, the death, serious accident, or any force majeure case that prevents the client from going on the trip and communicating this impossibility to the agency before departure shall be considered a cause of force majeure.

1.6 Booking Cancelation by TravRez:

TravRez may cancel the booking after confirmation and reimburse all payments that have been made by the Agency but will not be responsible for any additional compensation if it is unable to execute the booking due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances.

1.7 Refunds:

Refunds are always made via Agency where the booking was made. No refunds will be made for bookings not used by clients. Any booked service that is not used will not be refunded without previous approval from the service provider or supplier of TravRez.

1.8 Complaints:

Any complaint must be presented to TravRez by email immediately or up to 15 days after the end date of the service. After this time, TravRez will not guarantee to attend to any complaints.

1.9 Cancelation Policy:

TravRez will provide the booking cancelation policy before the Agency proceed with any booking. And only after Agency acceptance will continue with booking confirmation and voucher.

1.10 Agency Users and Branches:

Travel Agency can create unlimited number of Staff working in the main office of the Agency.

Also, Agency management can create unlimited number of Branches (Sub Users) within the country of the registered Agency.

2- Transfer Service (Terms & Conditions)

2.1 Driver Language

TravRez committed to provide driver speaking the local language of the booked destination, in some destinations the driver will speak English but not guaranteed.

2.2 Luggage Policy

The number of passengers, including children, shall correspond to the capacity of the selected car class in accordance with the technical documentation, and the placement of children in the front seat of the vehicle next to the driver is not allowed. Placing a child car seat or non-standard luggage in the vehicle may reduce the specified capacity threshold.

The baggage allowance for sedan car up to 3 checked baggage 30 kg each and 3 handbags up to 8 kg each, and for the Minivan up to 6 checked baggage 30 kg each and 6 handbags up to 8 kg each.

Larger luggage as well as sports equipment (skis, snowboards, golf bags, surfboards, bicycles, etc.), baby strollers, wheelchair, musical instruments, pet carriers, etc. are non-standard luggage and are subject to additional agreement, which in some cases may increase the cost of the service.

The driver has the right to refuse to place the luggage to the passenger in case of exceeding the set amount, as well as in case of non-standard luggage, the placement of which was not previously agreed upon by the parties.

2.3 The period of free waiting time for the passenger as the following

Arrival Travel

20 minutes after the arrival of a train, bus or arrival at an address within the city,
1 hour after the aircraft landing at the airport.

In case the passenger fails to appear upon expiry of the aforesaid time, the service shall be deemed to have been executed and provided, without refunding the booking amount to the Agency.

In case of flight delay, the passenger waiting period shall be extended in proportion to the flight delay time without any additional waiting charges.

Departure Transfer

20 minutes after the booking time in the passenger accommodation or the hotel
Driver will wait outside of the accommodation / hotel.

In case of trip failure through the passenger’s fault (provision of incorrect information on the service booking, the passenger’s failure to arrive at the appointed place and time or booking cancellation within 24 hours of transfer time, the booking amount shall not be refunded to the Agency.

2.4 Vehicle Damage and Responsibility of Agency

The Agency is responsible for passengers' cleanliness during their stay in the vehicle, and undertakes to warn them against drinking alcohol, smoking in the cabin, dirtying and spoiling the seats and headrests, and leaving garbage in the cabin.

In case of contamination of the vehicle by passengers, the Agency undertakes to compensate the cost of dry cleaning of the passenger compartment and reimburse all other possible losses caused by the actions of passengers.

In case of damage by passengers to equipment, devices, mechanisms, violation of their integrity (including ripped door handles, mirrors, etc.), damage to the glazing, interior of the vehicle, the Agency shall reimburse the losses caused by the actions of passengers.

2.5 Transfer Supplier Failure

In case the Customer misses the flight through the supplier fault, the latter shall reimburse the Passenger for the air/railway ticket reissuance expenses, but no more than five hundred USD (500 USD) . In this case, the Agency shall provide the supplier with documentary proof of expenses and documents evidencing the supplier’s fault.

3- TravRez Responsibility:

TravRez’s function is to act as coordinator between travel agencies and the different suppliers or service providers, it is exempt from all liability for damage or injury, both personal and material, that clients may incur.

TravRez declines all responsibility arising from damages the traveller may suffer as a consequence of accidents, transport delays, robbery or misplacement of their goods or luggage during the course of their travels, including additional expenses to those already paid, arising from unforeseen circumstances beyond Restel's control, unless these are directly attributable to TravRez.

Therefore, coverage by a separate insurance policy is strongly recommended. If exceptional circumstances dictate or counsel changing any booking to something other than its initial form, TravRez reserves the right to make the changes with no other obligation than that of informing the applicant agency of that change.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, TravRez, despite being exempt from liability, must continue to provide the necessary assistance to clients having difficulties.

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions:

Travel Agencies choosing to make bookings through TravRez implicitly accept the conditions laid out here, along with those specific conditions applicable at each of the bookings that are operated by our suppliers.

Management TrvRez.com Berlin / Germany


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